What I do

3D Visual Perception

In our daily lives, we don't segregate experiences as '2D' or '3D', yet the majority of vision research —and modern media— does exactly that.

My research takes a "3D-first" approach by considering what signals are available in the real-world then devises procedures & experiments appropriate for the challenge at hand. (Neural map of 3D direction)

Hardware Dev & UX

By designing projects around the goals —not the constraints— I've been able to advance scientific questions previously technologically infeasible.

In the process, I've developed uniquely feature-rich & extensible research systems and novel 3D displays for perceptual & behavioral research. (3D ViewDist System,  &  PLDAPS)

Machine Learning

Applied ML / AI fields have made astounding advances over the last decade; often through methods derived from/for neuroscience & visual perception research.   I look forward to bring my experience in novel solutions development to the next frontier of human-computer interaction.

In addition to my own research applications, I've been building experience in applied ML / AI fields through courses from  deeplearning.ai(Kilosort "ks25")

Eye Tracking

In my research, often the only [!] mode of behavioral interaction is a subject's eye position. To accommodate the demands of 3D motion research, I built a real-time binocular eye tracking system using a custom hardware & software pipeline for high-res interaction in 3D space. (Binocular Eye Tracking)

Education & Experience

  • Senior Scientist 2016–2022

    Neural circuits for 3D visual motion processing

    Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX

  • Postdoc 2012–2016

    Adaptation & population coding in primary visual cortex

    Einstein Col. of Medicine, Bronx, NY

  • Ph.D. 2012

    Psychology:   Sensory Neuroscience
    Binocular 3D motion mechanisms

    Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX

  • B.S.2006

    Chemistry & Studio Art minors

    Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN


  • Experimental Design

  • Statistical Analysis

  • Machine Learning

  • Python  /  Matlab  /  Git

  • Tensorflow  /  Linux

  • Data Visualization

  • Scientific Communication

Applied Fields

  • AI / Deep Learning

  • 3D Visual Perception / XR

  • Quantitative UX Research

  • Display & Optical Systems Design

  • Eye Tracking

  • Biological Signal Processing

  • Psychophysics

  • Hardware & Software Dev

Ideas are only as good as our ability to convey them to others.