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Code available on github...

Thaddeus B. Czuba
Linux Mac


Publicly available code can be found through my github account.

The following code sections comprise particularly useful/active projects. For more information on these, or other coding repos & resources you may be interested in, please reach out to me through the Contact Me page.

Kilosort [ks25]

Thaddeus B. Czuba
Linux GPU-accelerated ML algorithm for isolating neural responses in non-chronically implanted linear electrode array recordings


A heavily-modified version of the Kilosort spike sorting package for Matlab, tailored for the analysis of non-chronic linear array recordings with modest channel counts (~24-100 ch).

My [ks25] branch is based on the Kilosort 2.5 codebase, and attempts to marry some of the more successful features of Kilosort 2.0 (i.e. temporally dynamic waveform templates) with backported features & improvements from the newer Kilosort 2.5 & 3.0 (i.e. a modified version of the 'datashift2' drift correction algorithm).

While the original Kilosort package (by Marius Pachitariu, et al.) is an amazing resource for fast & accurate spike sorting of high-channel count high-density silicon probes (e.g. Neuropixels; ~100s-1,000s ch, ~15-20µm spacing), out-of-the-box results have been less successful with data collected during non-chronic linear array recordings with comparatively broader inter-electrode spacing (e.g. Plexon U-Probes; 24-64 ch, ~50-100µm spacing).

PLDAPS experiment toolbox

Thaddeus B. Czuba
Linux Mac


PLexon DAtapixx PSychtoolbox (PLDAPS) is a neurophysiology & psychophysics experiment toolbox for MATLAB.


NOTE: The PLDAPS code in my github repository is the development fork! The [glDraw] branch is stable, but compatibility for all hardware setups or configurations is not guaranteed.

...all other branches in the [original] Huk Lab repo are historical record, and are are not likely to be functional/compatible.